Monthly Archives: May 2020

Buglife launches the Landscapes for wild pollinators survey

Buglife launches the Landscapes for wild pollinators survey. Are you are farmer, forester or land manager in England? Would you like to help deliver wildflower-rich habitat for pollinators across the countryside? Please complete Buglife’s Landscapes for wild pollinators survey by clicking on this link: Buglife’s Landscapes for wild pollinators survey asks farmers for their opinions on the best way… Read more →

Herefordshire’s new buzz. B-Lines network announced

Buglife has just announced the B-Lines network available for wildflower restoration, helping our pollinating insects to thrive across the county. You can see the map of the B-Lines network and read more in the recent press release If you are wanting to create meadows then looking at this map and discussing your plans with Herefordshire Meadows advisers might help justify… Read more →

Meadow creation option coming soon in local Natural Flood Management Construction grant

Herefordshire River Wye and Lugg Natural Flood Management Project is a Herefordshire Council project working in seven catchments in the county. There are a range of grant items available for land owners who want to get involved.  Bethany Lewis is the project officer who is arranging for wildflower meadow creation to be added to the list of landowner innovation options… Read more →