Tag Archive for trees

Wood Meadows with George Peterken

Kicking off our series of spring talks entitled Meadows, Mosaics and Mitigating Climate Change George Peterken, renowned woodland ecologist, nature conservation advisor and author of the book Meadows (2013 British Wildlife Collection), gave a fascinating presentation on the topic of wood meadows. After first introducing the concept and showing some examples of traditional wood meadows in Europe, specifically in the Baltic states… Read more →

Herefordshire meadows potentially at risk from tree planting

Many people are taking positive action to respond to the climate emergency by planting trees. Our wildflower grassland is a precious resource that is still decreasing nationally. Well managed diverse grassland swards are already storing carbon in significant amounts says Becky Willson, from the Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit who spoke passionately about her work in a talk called Carbon, cows and… Read more →