Monthly Archives: April 2021

Flower rich meadows: where to begin?

If you are curious about creating a wildflower meadow but uncertain how – or perhaps even why – to begin, there are some brilliant resources available online to guide you through the very basics. Vicky Bowskill, farmland ecology researcher and writer of the blog “Tales from the Quadrat”, has created a short video to describe why meadows are such vital… Read more →

Herefordshire Meadows April Newsletter

In March we saw the first gradual easing of restrictions and the emergence of lots of little yellow rattle seedlings. Both heralded hope for better times to come. Our aspiration is to gradually start holding in person events and training as restrictions ease further. However, the ability to join online webinars has demonstrated how digital technology can make a wealth… Read more →

Catch up – Better together: how facilitation groups are transforming nature recovery

On 8th April the White Peak Farmers group hosted the first talk of their new Networks for Nature: Facilitating Collaborative Farming webinar series. The discussion looked at how the collaborative approach adopted by Farmer Facilitation Groups around the country is leading to impressive results on the ground. The talk began with Natural England’s Brian McDonald, Manager of the Countryside Stewardship… Read more →