Tag Archive for coronation meadow

Improvements in species diversity at Herefordshire Meadows restoration sites.

Analysis of monitoring datasets 2019-2023 Over the last 5 years Herefordshire Meadows has been encouraging and assisting landowners to monitor the progress of their meadow restoration projects, via yearly botanical surveys, beginning with a baseline survey pre-restoration. The simple Rapid Assessment Monitoring method is used, where species are recoded at regular stops whilst walking a zig-zag route through the restoration… Read more →

Herefordshire’s Coronation Meadow 10 years on – National Meadows Day walk at Sollers Hope

To celebrate National Meadows Day 2023 Fiona Fyshe gave us a tour of the beautiful meadows at Sollers Hope on Friday 30th June.  In 2015 this 3.6ha site at Hurstans received brush harvested seed from Joans Hill Coronation Meadow, a Plantlife nature reserve.  The hay meadow now boast a healthy population of Green Winged Orchids as well as many other… Read more →