Tag Archive for ecosystem services

Research Evidence Gaps on Meadow Diversity and Grazing Strategy exposed

Jo Riggall’s Grassland Gap talk in February highlighted that grassland is often the poor relation compared with peatland and woodland and this is clearly the case when we look at research evidence about the role of diverse, deep rooted, well rested swards and the ecosystem services they provide in addition to food production. With Environment Agency funding hosted by Herefordshire… Read more →

The Grassland Gap: An evening talk with Plantlife

Our Zoom talk last Wednesday from Plantlife’s Grassland Advocacy Officer Jo Riggall was attended by 30 species-rich grassland enthusiasts, who all wanted to know more about this precious habitat getting the recognition it deserves.  It is available to watch online here and the presentation slides here. Jo gave a summary of the impressive work that Plantlife has achieved managing, restoring… Read more →

Towards a strategy for restoring Floodplain Meadows in the Wye Valley –

On 23rd May 2023 27 advisers from 13 organisations working in the Wye Catchment gathered at Brockhampton Hall for a training day on floodplain meadows funded by Environment Agency and Wye Valley AONB. Mark Wood and Chris Hudson hosted the day and provided delicious grass fed beef lunch (https://perrystonemeats.co.uk/) and showed us meadow restorations underway on the floodplain at Fawley… Read more →