Tag Archive for soil carbon

August Newsletter

Welcome to our August Newsletter.  After a dry month and record-breaking heat in June we have been treated to one of the wettest Julys on record, and a very difficult year for making hay.  Our seed harvesting plans have also been very disrupted, but with the occasional dry day we have managed to harvest from all our intended donor sites… Read more →

Meadow walk at Far House Farm – the power of natural regeneration to restore a mosaic of meadow, pasture, woodland and orchard

The final meadow walk of the season was at Far House Farm, Maescoed on 11th July with many thanks to our hosts and generous Herefordshire Meadows supporters Joanna and Bruce Jenkyn Jones.  We started next to lovely flowery strips of meadow plants beside the drive that were created after nearby building work and were treated to a scything demo there… Read more →