Tag Archive for Wye Valley AONB

PHI Survey and Plant ID Training day 12th June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June landowners, meadow makers and volunteers attended a training day with Herefordshire Meadows, to learn how to identify key meadow plants and carry out a grassland survey. Training took place on the fantastic Meadows at Hurstans, Soller’s Hope – where owner Fiona Fyshe manages species-rich grassland that was enhanced with seed from Joan’s Hill Farm, as part… Read more →

Engagement Event for Landowners between Coughton & Marstow

On the evening of the 8th October Herefordshire Meadows and Wye Valley National Landscape held an outreach event for local landowners at Goodrich Village Hall. This event was to promote a new funding opportunity offered by the National Grid’s Landscape Enhancement Initiative fund, for landowners within 3km of the high voltage power lines (see below map of project area). With… Read more →

Landscape Enhancement Initiative in the Lower Wye

Do you manage land between Coughton and Marstow?  You are invited to Goodrich Village Hall, HR9 6HX November 8th 5 – 7 pm to find out about Funding opportunities for habitat enhancement such as flower rich grassland restoration and creation, wood pasture, hedge planting and restoration, orchard creation Free advisory visit to explore your objectives from local advisers AONB application… Read more →

Flower Rich Grassland Management & Restoration Advice Service for Land Managers in the Wye Valley AONB

Herefordshire Meadows is excited to be involved in a new Wye Valley AONB project to provide support to grassland farmers and land managers in the Herefordshire portion of the Wye Valley AONB. This work is funded by the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) Programme, which is being administered by the Wye Valley AONB on behalf of DEFRA, as part of… Read more →

Towards a strategy for restoring Floodplain Meadows in the Wye Valley –

On 23rd May 2023 27 advisers from 13 organisations working in the Wye Catchment gathered at Brockhampton Hall for a training day on floodplain meadows funded by Environment Agency and Wye Valley AONB. Mark Wood and Chris Hudson hosted the day and provided delicious grass fed beef lunch (https://perrystonemeats.co.uk/) and showed us meadow restorations underway on the floodplain at Fawley… Read more →

Marvellous Meadows in the Wye Valley

On the hottest day in August we contributed to a short film about meadow restoration at The Hyde in Woolhope, thanks to JOhn and Mary Windham. This was one of three short films commissioned for the Wye Valley AONB’s 2020 Wye Valley River Festival.  You can watch the video below and catch up with a discussion session that follows with… Read more →