Herefordshire Meadows has had a busy year creating around 71ha of new species-rich grasslands at 24 sites across Herefordshire:
- 36.49ha of new species-rich grassland was created thanks our 2-year Botanica project funded by WWF & Airwick (a total of 63.5ha of species rich grassland created over 2022-2023).
- 18ha was created in North Herefordshire in partnership with Buglife, as part of their Get the Marches Buzzing Project.
- An additional 11ha was created in the Wye Valley National Landscape (formerly known as AONB) thanks to their Farming in Protected Landscapes funding.
- 5ha was created in the Woolhope Dome thanks to funding from the Woolhope Dome Environment Trust.
- And 0.7ha was created with the help of Natural Flood Management funding from Herefordshire Council & Environment Agency.
This year’s work brings our 5-year total to around 250 hectares of species rich grassland created by Herefordshire Meadows!
Thank you to all our partners and funders, and all the landowners committed to creating species-rich grassland on their properties and managing them sympathetically long-term.
Thanks also to the 8 landowners who allowed us to harvest wildflower seed from their high-quality meadows, which was used to create 42ha of new species-rich grassland at 18 sites.
In addition to the above restoration works, Herefordshire Meadows has provided management advice to 25 landowners in the county via our Advisory Service, helping them to create and preserve species-rich grassland on their properties.
Herefordshire Meadows has also continued with outreach and education efforts by holding regular events, discussions and training sessions, and engaging with schools, to help raise awareness and understanding of the many benefits of species-rich grasslands.

Seed being harvested from a donor site boating over 19 species of broad-leaved plants within the sward

Harvested and sifted seed being laid out to dry in the shade, on a hot July day

Restoration site being prepared for seed spreading, using a stubble rake to create >50% bare ground

Wildflower seed being spread onto the front lawn at National Trust’s Croft Castle. Alternate strips prepared to reduce disturbance

Seed harvested from the County Coronation Meadow Joan’s Hill Farm, being spread by hand onto Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s Ail Meadow