Celebrating flower rich grassland: past successes and future opportunities to integrate wood pasture and wood meadow with farming FULLY BOOKED waiting list only


A chance to celebrate some of the many successes of Herefordshire Meadows over the past six years, and look forward and discuss some of the opportunities on the horizon.

From 3.00pm until 7.00pm

At Fernhall Farm

Fernhall Farm, Brilley, HR3 6JP

Guest speaker: Dan Carne (Woodmeadow Trust)

with contributions from Bob Silverwood (Natural England), Alice Keenan (National Trust) and Jonny Pugh (WUF)   

This will be followed by a farm walk where there will be a chance to discuss how the theory converts to practice with input from advisers who are working with Nick on a Higher Tier application for the farm and on other Herefordshire farms. 



15:00 Arrive at Fernhall – tea, coffee and cake

15:30 Welcome and introductions 

15:45 Guest Speaker - Dan Carne, Woodmeadow Trust

16:30 Questions and Discussion and refreshments

17:00 Farm walk with host Nick Lloyd and advisers in discussion with Dan Carne about mosaic grassland systems; design, implementation and management.  

19:00 Roundup and finish


  • Dan Carne works for the Woodmeadow Trust and is the Director of their UK Woodmeadow Network. Dan will talk about mosaic grassland systems and how novel funding may be able to support the establishment and management of these habitats. 
  • Nick and Nicci Lloyd farm at Fernhall which is a High Nature Status Farm and is in an HLS scheme. Their pedigree herd of Dexter cattle are grass fed on species rich pasture.  
  • Alice Keenan works for the National Trust as an Assistant Land Use & Farm Adviser.  
  • Bob Silverwood is the Lead Adviser on Natural England’s West Midlands Landscapes Team.
  • Jonny Pugh is a Catchment Adviser with Wye and Usk Foundation   


Please bring a chair (e.g. a camping chair) and your own drinking vessel

Please book with the Hub as usual – email bookings@herefordshireruralhub.co.uk.

Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis. 

Final booking deadline for this event is 5pm Friday 9th September