Tag Archive for Grassland restoration

2024 Plant ID Training Day at Croft Castle

On Monday 10th June meadow owners from across Herefordshire attended a Plant Identification training day at Croft Castle.  The day was led by Vice County Botanical Recorder and Herefordshire Meadows Trustee Stuart Hedley, who introduced the group to the Rapid Plant Monitoring Method, a simple technique for monitoring changes in grassland over time. The session was aimed at equipping meadow… Read more →

New Funding Opportunity for Grassland Restoration Works

Herefordshire Council are working with Balfour Beatty Living Places, the Wye and Usk Foundation and Severn Rivers Trust, to deliver the Herefordshire Natural Flood Management (NFM) Project. We are very excited that species rich grassland creation has been included as one of the fundable NFM options in recognition of the positive impact deep-rooted broad-leaved herbs have on improving infiltration rates… Read more →

Landscape Recovery projects in Herefordshire with potential for grassland restoration

DEFRA have announced a list of 34 successful Landscape Recovery Projects. The good news is that there are two in Herefordshire See the DEFRA announcement here: Landscape Recovery: sharing the successful second round projects – Farming (blog.gov.uk) Both projects contain elements of grassland creation and restoration including floodplain meadow, lowland meadow and wet grassland opportunities. Several Herefordshire Meadows members expressed interest… Read more →

Flower Rich Grassland Management & Restoration Advice Service for Land Managers in the Wye Valley AONB

Herefordshire Meadows is excited to be involved in a new Wye Valley AONB project to provide support to grassland farmers and land managers in the Herefordshire portion of the Wye Valley AONB. This work is funded by the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) Programme, which is being administered by the Wye Valley AONB on behalf of DEFRA, as part of… Read more →