Tag Archive for lowland meadows

PHI Survey and Plant ID Training day 12th June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June landowners, meadow makers and volunteers attended a training day with Herefordshire Meadows, to learn how to identify key meadow plants and carry out a grassland survey. Training took place on the fantastic Meadows at Hurstans, Soller’s Hope – where owner Fiona Fyshe manages species-rich grassland that was enhanced with seed from Joan’s Hill Farm, as part… Read more →

Landscape Recovery projects in Herefordshire with potential for grassland restoration

DEFRA have announced a list of 34 successful Landscape Recovery Projects. The good news is that there are two in Herefordshire See the DEFRA announcement here: Landscape Recovery: sharing the successful second round projects – Farming (blog.gov.uk) Both projects contain elements of grassland creation and restoration including floodplain meadow, lowland meadow and wet grassland opportunities. Several Herefordshire Meadows members expressed interest… Read more →