Tag Archive for meadows

 Farm Walk with Herefordshire IAgSA

On June 13th, Meadows Adviser Rory Johnson led a farm walk with the Herefordshire branch of the IAgSA at Upper Pengethley Farm near Peterstow. The walk included a visit to some hay meadows which were enhanced in 2023 as part of Herefordshire Meadow’s Botanica project using seed from Joan’s Hill Meadow, the county coronation meadow. After going through the restoration… Read more →

Meadows and invertebrates

Join us for our final evening meadow walk of the season where we focus on all the little bugs and beasties that live and thrive in the species rich grassland of the Mowley Valley courtesy of the Bulmer family and the Mowley Valley project coordinator, Catherine Janson.  Follow this link to book your FREE place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meadows-and-invertebrates-tickets-907823272847 Read more →

Meadow Walk and medicinal plants

Join us for our third evening meadow walk at Broadmoor Common Local Nature Reserve where we will be joined by botanist and qualified medical herbalist Rowan Mconegal who advocates the living tradition of herbal medicine and will guide us through some of the amazing properties of our native meadow plants.    Follow this link to book your FREE place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meadow-walk-and-medicinal-plants-tickets-907817926857 Read more →

National Meadows Day walk at Urishay Court Farm

For National Meadows Day this year we will be visiting some fabulous grasslands at Urishay Court Farm courtesy of Tom and Catherine Oliver. A chance to see a range of meadows and pastures where the main restoration interventions have been ongoing since 2018 through changes in grassland management rather than the introduction of wildflower seed. Tom’s restoration strategy has an… Read more →

Importance of Habitat Connectivity for Pollinators

Bugs, Drones and Habitat Change: A case study of Heathlands in the West Midlands by Aaron Bhambra. Aaron’s talk will discuss the value of lowland heath and explore how unmanned aerial vehicles can be used to help manage and protect sites. Investigating how restoration and connectivity benefits UK pollinating species by Indiana Jones. Indie’s talk will discuss the benefits that… Read more →

Winter Management Training and Seedling Safari 2023

A very big thank you to Jocelyn, Charlie and Sarah Finnigan who hosted this year’s seedling safari and winter meadow management training day at Homme House in Much Marcle Jocelyn, Charlie and Sarah have restored 5ha of species poor grassland using funds very generously provided by the Woolhope Dome Environment Trust and brush harvested seed from Plantlife’s Joans Hill Farm… Read more →

Festival of Wildlife

Rory Johnson from Herefordshire Meadows will be leading a Meadow Walk at this event which is open to everyone of any age who is interested in recording and learning about our county’s wildlife. Activities will include dissecting owl pellets, foraging, pond dipping, crafts and much more. Hellens cafe will also be open on the day.  FREE ENTRY  Read more →

Moths and Meadows in the Black Mountains

Hilary Engel hosted a moth evening at Fair Oak Farm this May, for some neighbouring Herefordshire Meadows members and other enthusiasts in the Black Mountains.  Below is their report of the evening’s findings, and some links to resources for those wanting to get started with moth trapping. Moth Evening, Fair Oak Farm, May 2023 We set up three traps in… Read more →