Tag Archive for restoration

Meadow Walk and Native Anthotype Exploration

Join us for our first evening meadow walk of 2024 where we explore the wonderful meadows at Bythan courtesy of Hilary Hillier. We will have the opportunity to visit fields which were selected as new Local Wildlife Sites in 2022 as well as visiting a 2019 restoration site.  Joining us for the evening will be Ledbury based artist Paul Ligas… Read more →

Meadow walk at Far House Farm – the power of natural regeneration to restore a mosaic of meadow, pasture, woodland and orchard

The final meadow walk of the season was at Far House Farm, Maescoed on 11th July with many thanks to our hosts and generous Herefordshire Meadows supporters Joanna and Bruce Jenkyn Jones.  We started next to lovely flowery strips of meadow plants beside the drive that were created after nearby building work and were treated to a scything demo there… Read more →

Towards a strategy for restoring Floodplain Meadows in the Wye Valley –

On 23rd May 2023 27 advisers from 13 organisations working in the Wye Catchment gathered at Brockhampton Hall for a training day on floodplain meadows funded by Environment Agency and Wye Valley AONB. Mark Wood and Chris Hudson hosted the day and provided delicious grass fed beef lunch (https://perrystonemeats.co.uk/) and showed us meadow restorations underway on the floodplain at Fawley… Read more →

Flower rich meadows: where to begin?

If you are curious about creating a wildflower meadow but uncertain how – or perhaps even why – to begin, there are some brilliant resources available online to guide you through the very basics. Vicky Bowskill, farmland ecology researcher and writer of the blog “Tales from the Quadrat”, has created a short video to describe why meadows are such vital… Read more →

Principles of Creating Flower Rich Meadows

Caroline Hanks and Sue Holland will share their experience and answer questions on the principles of meadow creation and restoration. Topics covered will include; what to think about when planning a meadow restoration, plus examples of some of the restoration methods Herefordshire Meadows’ members have used in recent years. This is for anyone who’s new to meadow creation and restoration,… Read more →

Meadow Restoration One Year On

Thanks to everyone who joined us this week to see the progress of meadow restoration one year on. Many thanks to Hilary Hillier who kindly showed us around her lovely meadows at Bythan, and particularly the meadow she enhanced a year ago with seed from Plantlife’s Joan’s Hill reserve as part of the 2019 NRN pilot . It was great to… Read more →

Pollinator Meadows 2020 restoration – 10.3 ha COMPLETED AND ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR!

Pollinator Meadows 2020 restoration Work to restore and create 10.3 ha of flower rich meadows on the 6 sites which were part of the  Pollinator Meadows  2020 Project – a partnership with Plantlife and funded by the Duke of Cornwall’s Benevolent Fund has now been completed! Thanks to all who have been involved – donors and meadow makers and for… Read more →

Seedling Safari – 21st Oct 2020

Seedling Safari – First Stop of the Season. Thanks to everyone who joined us at the Herefordshire Meadows Group discussion this week, it was great to be out in the field, despite the torrential rain. Many thanks to Ian Horsley of Baston Hall for hosting the event and showing us his young seedlings and letting us explore his older, flower… Read more →

Meadow Restoration 1 year on

This a great chance to see one of the 2019 pilot meadows a year on. Hilary Hillier is kindly showing us the meadow she enhanced a year ago with seed from Plantlife’s Joan’s Hill reserve.  Come and hear how Hilary did the restoration work and see the results so far.   This event is particularly relevant to anyone planning a restoration project… Read more →