Tag Archive for training

PHI Survey and Plant ID Training day 12th June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June landowners, meadow makers and volunteers attended a training day with Herefordshire Meadows, to learn how to identify key meadow plants and carry out a grassland survey. Training took place on the fantastic Meadows at Hurstans, Soller’s Hope – where owner Fiona Fyshe manages species-rich grassland that was enhanced with seed from Joan’s Hill Farm, as part… Read more →

June Newsletter

Welcome to our June Newsletter. It has been catch-up time for meadows this month after a slow start to spring.  On our first meadow walk event of the year at Bromyard Down we were treated to a lovely evening in the sun with far reaching views across to the Malvern Hills, and plenty of emerging flowers to admire and puzzle… Read more →

Bumblebee ID training session at Trehumfrey Farm

On the 17th of June we held a bumblebee identification event, this time in the field. Andrew Nixon, of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, began by teaching us about the fascinating life cycle of bumblebees. The first bees you are likely to see are the Queen bees, emerging from hibernation and searching for a place to start a new nest. By June,… Read more →