5 minutes to record the great things you’re doing for diverse swards in the Farm Herefordshire survey

A new survey has launched today to capture attitudes, changes in farming practice and engagement with farming schemes in Herefordshire.

The survey is a joint effort by all of the partners in Farm Herefordshire who as a collective feel that farming practices have changed considerably over the last few years and want to be able to demonstrate what agriculture has done, is doing and will do to play our part in addressing the challenges the county faces with water quality. We need your help to demonstrate this.

The survey takes about five minutes to complete and there is the chance to win a £200 Herefordshire Hamper! So get yourself a cup of tea and then get clicking…



What is Farm Herefordshire?

A collaborative approach between local organisations who want to support farmers in Herefordshire improve the health of the Wye through sustainable farming systems. The partnership includes: