Peter Tierney, who successfully pioneered green hay strewing in Herefordshire, and was a founding member of Herefordshire Meadows is partially retiring and his hay making machinery is up for sale. It would be wonderful if the kit finds a new home for the benefit of local hay meadows.
You can find details in this pdf with the price on the final page
Package of high quality pedestrian haymaking kit for sale 2
Queries to peter tierney 01873 860376
We want to pay tribute to Peter’s wonderful work over several decades, creating and managing hundreds of hectares of wildflower meadows in Herefordshire. For all his enthusiasm and support for Herefordshire Meadows and our members.
Herefordshire Meadows traces its roots right back to an informal meeting that Peter hosted in his kitchen in 2016 with the former FWAG team and Peter Garner, and has grown from there. Peter was a member of our Steering Group and helped to guide and direct the Facilitation Funded group for six years; keeping our feet on the ground. His contribution to the preservation and restoration of meadows has been enormous. Thank you Peter.
We wish Peter many more years of meadow mayhem on his own farm and with his family.