
Diverse swards: grassland management for soil, biodiversity and profit

On Wednesday evening, Herefordshire Meadows hosted a joint event with Pasture for Life, delving into the myriad benefits of diverse swards in productive farming systems. The event was held at Upper Pengethley Farm, kindly hosted by the Partridge family. Previously a mixed farm, the 260 acre parcel has made the change from arable to herbal leys, permanent pasture, and native… Read more →

Herefordshire Meadows May Newsletter

  With a bit of welcome rain, the meadow plants will all soon start shooting up and bursting into flower, meaning now is the time to start thinking about surveying. Irrespective of whether you already have a well-established meadow, have recently carried out restoration works or hope to carry out restoration works in the near future, it is good practice… Read more →

Herefordshire Meadows March Newsletter

We are officially into meteorological spring and for all those who restored meadows last year, or have well established meadows, now is the time to start looking for those yellow rattle seedlings and ensuring that livestock are removed when they start appearing. This month as we wrap the Meadow Makers project, we are excited to announce that we will be… Read more →

Role of well grazed and rested deep rooted diverse swards in carbon sequestration

We are grateful to Christine Page for sharing her drawings that help us think about the role of grazing systems with long rest periods and deep rooted diverse swards in carbon sequestration. To find out if your grazing system supports rapid or slow carbon sequestration click this link  You can find out more on our website  and Floodplain Meadows Partnership Read more →

What’s new in Countryside Stewardship for 2022 and are you eligible for GS6 ?

Applications for the 2022 Countryside Stewardship scheme opened on 9th February. There are options for those who’ve never been, or are no longer, in a scheme as well as new “Offers”  and Capital grants too. There are several important changes in this round including broadening the options available and making these easier to apply for. There are many grassland options… Read more →