Herefordshire Meadows AGM with Guest Speaker John Phillips


From 18:00 until 20:00

At Holme Lacy Village Hall

Holme Lacy, Hereford, HR2 6LP

Herefordshire Meadow's AGM will this year be held in Holme Lacy Village Hall and we are delighted that John Phillips will be joining as our guest speaker. 

John Phillips is the Grazing & Landscape Manager at Epping Forest, a 3,600ha ancient Forest that stretches 20km from East London into Essex. The landscape of Epping Forest has a long historical culture of commoners grazing, lopping (pollarding) and fighting enclosure on what was once at Royal Hunting Forest. John’s team manage the grasslands, heathlands and wood pasture using a variety of methods from mechanical cutting to the use of cattle. The site is the birthplace of collar-based containment in the UK having been the first to utilise it since 2010. An in-house 200 head heard of Longhorns are used with Nofence GPS collars to graze across the landscape which is open access and receives over 12 million visitors a year. The talk will focus on how collar technology was used to bring back grazing to Epping Forest after BSE decimated commoners grazing in 1996 and how GPS collars can be used as a tool to bring grazing animals with all their benefits back into our landscapes and fields.  

The evening will proceed as follows: 

18:00 - 18:40 - Herefordshire Meadows AGM 

18:40 - 19:00 - Light refreshments served 

19:00 - 20:00 - Talk from guest speaker John Phillips followed by Q&A 

Please book your FREE place using the following link