Webinar with George Peterken
From 18:00 until 19:30
At Zoom webinar
First in our series Meadows, Mosaics and Mitigating Climate Change
Please join us to find out about this mosaic habitat and it's potential benefits for livestock systems in Herefordshire
George Peterken, renowned woodland ecologist, nature conservation advisor and author of the book Meadows (2013), will give a Zoom presentation about Wood Meadows.
He will cover questions including ; what are wood-meadows, are they alien to Britain and how can we create new wood meadows from woodland, grassland or arable?
A wood meadow is one of the richest habitats in temperate Europe. It is characterised by a mosaic of trees and grassland and high levels of structural and botanical diversity. As a consequence, they provide a haven for a wide range of wildlife and are integrated into many farm systems in mainland Europe.
Email: bookings@herefordshireruralhub.co.uk
With special thanks to the team at the Wye Valley AONB for providing meeting space to host the webinar.
You will receive the Zoom link shortly before the meeting