Join us to find out how to restore and create one of our least understood but most diverse wildlife habitats whilst mitigating climate change at the same time.
From 10.00 for 10.30 until 13.30
At Moccas Village Hall, Moccas, HR2 9LQ
Come and join us for the fourth event in our Meadows, Mosaics and Mitigating Climate Change series
Wood Pasture Mosaics - an asset for regenerative farming systems.
At Moccas Village Hall and Moccas Hill Wood courtesy of Natural England and James and John Hughes of Pentre Farm, Dorstone.
Saturday 14th May 10.00 for 10.30 am Moccas Village Hall, Moccas, HR2 9LQ until 1.30 pm
This event is not solely for parkland owners. It is aimed at anyone bemused by the vast array of different ways to create and restore a mosaic of trees in pasture. Join us to find out how to restore and create one of our least understood but most diverse wildlife habitats whilst mitigating climate change at the same time.
Speakers to include Jeremy Dagley (Wood Pasture and Parkland Network, WPPN) and Geoff Newman and Tom Simpson (Natural England, NE).
We will start in the village hall and visit Moccas Hill Wood which is managed by Natural England as part of Moccas Park National Nature Reserve (NB. The Deer Park is not included in this event). Moccas Hill Wood was opened to the public in 2016 and is still in the early stages of restoration. After years under plantation forestry, the site is being restored to open wood pasture using designs based on Capability Brown, and ecological principles. Work includes replanting the site with seedlings from the majestic veteran trees at Moccas Park National Nature Reserve, to re-create the open woodland that once covered this area.
10.00 Arrive at Moccas Village Hall – tea and coffee
10.30 Speakers Jeremy Dagley (Wood Pasture and Parkland Network, WPPN) and Geoff Newman (NE)
11.20 Questions and Discussion
11.40 pick up a roll from the hall and travel in vehicles to Moccas Hill Wood (Please bring your own drink or flask for lunchtime)
12.00 site visit with Tom Simpson (NE), James and John Hughes (farmers and graziers) in discussion with Jeremy Dagley and Geoff Newman about wood pasture restoration design, tree planting and guarding and grazing management. We will explore the principles involved when planting trees according to existing land use and the knotty issue of how long it takes to reach a positive carbon budget following soil disturbance during tree planting. Bring questions and visions for your land to discuss on the day.
1.15 – 1.30 Depart
Jeremy Dagley, Chair of WPPN will talk about the multiple benefits of wood pasture for biodiversity and carbon sequestration and the relationship between trees and grassland. He will talk about the principles of wood pasture management he used as head of Conservation at Epping Forest, using virtual fencing and restoring wood pasture on surrounding farmland. Jeremy has used this experience to help others to design wood pasture including for the Woodland Trust at Moccas Hill Wood.
Geoff Newman is agroforestry lead at Natural England which he blends with his passion for traditional orchards. Geoff will talk about the benefits for the Herefordshire landscape of flower rich grasslands and trees together in different scenarios
Tom Simpson is the NE warden at Moccas Hill Wood and brings his experience of hands on restoration and management
James and John Hughes provide grazing animals at Moccas Hill Wood and are helping to introduce native seeds to the establishing sward.
Please book with the Hub as usual Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis and the deadline for booking is Wednesday 4th May
Please wear suitable footwear for rough and sloping ground
Refreshments on arrival at the village hall. Roll provided for lunchtime which we will eat at Moccas Hill Wood so please bring your own drink / flask for lunch during the site visit.