Tag Archive for rapid monitoring

Improvements in species diversity at Herefordshire Meadows restoration sites.

Analysis of monitoring datasets 2019-2023 Over the last 5 years Herefordshire Meadows has been encouraging and assisting landowners to monitor the progress of their meadow restoration projects, via yearly botanical surveys, beginning with a baseline survey pre-restoration. The simple Rapid Assessment Monitoring method is used, where species are recoded at regular stops whilst walking a zig-zag route through the restoration… Read more →

Updated Meadow Monitoring survey sheets for 2024!

For 2024 we have introduced a slightly amended Rapid Monitoring recording sheet which we hope will assist the new tranche of meadow makers coming in under the Kingspan and other projects, as well as helping previous restoration site owners carrying out their annual monitoring surveys. Download the pdf survey sheet HERE or the Excel file HERE and visit our Survey… Read more →