Tag Archive for wildflowers

National Meadows Day walk at Urishay Court Farm

For National Meadows Day this year we will be visiting some fabulous grasslands at Urishay Court Farm courtesy of Tom and Catherine Oliver. A chance to see a range of meadows and pastures where the main restoration interventions have been ongoing since 2018 through changes in grassland management rather than the introduction of wildflower seed. Tom’s restoration strategy has an… Read more →

Get the Marches Buzzing Launch Event

Join Buglife and Herefordshire Meadows to learn more about this project and ho it is connecting up wildflower-rich habitats across Shropshire and North Herefordshire, working to restore habitats for rare and declining pollinator species like the Dingy Skipper butterfly (Erynnis tages) and the Bilberry Bumblebee (Bombus monticola). You can also find out how you can put your own building block… Read more →

Open Garden Event at Eardisley Castle followed by Choral Evensong in Eardisley Church

Meadow Restoration at Castle House was part of the Pollinator Meadows Project funded by The Duke of Cornwall’s Benevolent Fund through Plantlife and Herefordshire Meadows.    Blair Priday, host, summarised the project saying “We started making Castle meadow in September 2020 with a great deal of invaluable support from Herefordshire Meadows and Plantlife.  This was Herefordshire Meadows’ first experience of making… Read more →

Herefordshire Meadows welcomes new assistant Meadow Adviser

Herefordshire Meadows is pleased to announce a new member to the team as we welcome our new assistant meadows advisor Carys Solman.  This new role will support Caroline Hanks and Rory Johnson on our Airwick Botanica grassland restoration and Buglife B-lines projects as well as the Herefordshire Meadows Advisory Service. Carys Solman has been working with the Wildlife Trusts for… Read more →

Get your Floodplain Meadow Conference early bird tickets before March 17th

The Floodplain Meadow Partnership’s conference will take a holistic look at floodplain meadow restoration and offer plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing best practice. There will also be a series of practical talks about restoring meadow soils and plants (see outline programme below).    All of the details, including how to book your tickets can be found here https://www.floodplainmeadows.org.uk/content/conference-2023-restoring-meadow-communities-plants-soils-people… Read more →

Making Meadows across Herefordshire

With the support of various funders, since 2019 Herefordshire Meadows members have been able to carry out meadow restoration works across the county. Most recently, in 2021, as a partner on Plantlife’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund Meadow Makers project we have restored over 56ha of additional wildflower meadows across Herefordshire. Below is a map showing where we have been working.… Read more →

National Meadows Day – Saturday 3rd July

Saturday July 3rd was National Meadows Day, a day dedicated to our wonderful wildflower meadows. To mark the occasion Plantlife launched it’s new Meadows Hub which has loads of fantastic information on how to make and look after a meadow. Here in Herefordshire we celebrated by hosting two events in Titley and near Bromyard respectively. At the morning event in… Read more →

Meadow Plant ID training session in Urishay

On 24th June Stuart Hedley, county plant recorder, led the second of our plant ID training sessions in the field at a site in Urishay. Participants split into small groups to carry out quadrat surveys and get to grips with common meadow plants, including some trickier species like cat’s ears and the hawkbits. This time, as well as in an… Read more →

Meadow Plant ID training session

On 26th May County Plant Recorder Stuart Hedley led an excellent zoom training session on meadow plant identification aimed at beginners and improvers. Stuart began by outlining to members how to properly carry out a rapid monitoring assessment survey. Stuart then went on to teach some essential ID tips covering all of the most distinctive species of Herefordshire’s lowland meadows… Read more →

Plantlife launches new surveying app for 2021 Great British Wildflower Hunt

The 2021 Great British Wildflower Hunt has just begun and this year Plantlife have developed a new, free surveying app ‘Survey123’ so that participants can use their smart phones to collect and submit their wildflower data. Over the sping and summer Plantlife will run four different Hunts with over 70 different iconic British Wildflowers to look out for. This is… Read more →