Boost for Biodiversity grant. New funding from Severn Trent includes meadow restoration

Severn Trent Water are working with the Wye & Usk Foundation to fund advice and grant schemes in the Wye on annual basis. The main STEPS scheme has been running for several years and is restricted to the Drinking Water Safe Guarding Zone which follows the main rivers. This has been popular with farmers along the main stem of the Wye, Lugg and Frome and provides funding to support biodiversity options like buffer strips, margins and mini meadows, winter bird food and pollen mixes as well as improved pesticide handling areas or disposal options like biobeds or biofilters. STEPS is a competitive scheme and the next application window reopens in November 2020.

NOW Available for the first time in Herefordshire are two additional grant opportunities

Boost for Biodiversity available across the whole Wye catchment :

Boost for Biodiversity is available for all NGOs, community groups, local authorities, schools, farmers and landowners who work within the Severn Trent region, this includes the River Wye catchment in Herefordshire.   All projects need to aimed to help improve or create habitats within the catchment, for example, meadow creation, river restoration, woodland planting and pond creation.   Application window is open from the 15th April until the 12th June 2020.  If you are interested please contact one of the advisers below for more information. Herefordshire Meadows can also help plan meadow creation projects.

STEPS for Biodiversity available in the Drinking Water Safeguard Zone

This spring STEPS for Biodiversity will be available to all land owners in the Drinking Water Safeguard Zone of the River Wye.  This is a chance to apply for funding for biodiversity items such as mini meadows, annual pollinator mixes and herbal leys without having to apply for pesticide priority items. STEPS for Biodiversity can be used to complement other schemes running on the holding. Dates for applications are still to be confirmed but if you’re interested please express your interest by calling one of the advisers below.

Catchment Advisers: Abi Croshaw (07990 068941) or Mike Williams (07920 441 215)

and for help working up any of the meadow options into an competitive application please contact Caroline Hanks  (07779 080940)

see also