Our grassland machinery survey (still available for you to complete) tells us that many of you struggle to find someone with small square or round baler to bale hay in small meadows around the County.
Local environmental contractor James Davies is doing a feasibility study to see if he can fill that gap in Herefordshire – but we have to demonstrate the need for this service
If you are interested drop a line to Sue Holland or Caroline Hanks with your name, parish, size of each field and total acreage to bale and the width of your gateways.
If you are / already know a local farmer or contractor with small baler who might take on one or two more small meadows please put get in touch with us. We guarantee you won’t appear on an open directory or be inundated with requests.
If you know any other contractors who are looking for more work at that time of year, we’d like to talk to them in the hope that we can build up local capacity to manage more meadows in the Herefordshire landscape and support a local business.
Contact Caroline Hanks or Sue Holland